Sailing yacht Five O

A Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 509 from 2012

Sailing yacht Five O

A Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 509 from 2012

Five O can be fully operated from the cockpit, and experienced sailors can steer the ship with two people.

Five O zeilboot huren Nieuwpoort België

Sizes and weights

Length overall15,38 m
Length waterline13,92 m
Beam4,69 m
Draught2,28 m
Sail area112 m²


Technical properties

Screw3 blade flexofold folding screw

Year of construction2012
EngineYanmar 75hp
Number of steering wheels2
Water tank615 litres
Fuel tank240 liter diesel

Communication and navigation

  • 2 control compasses
  • hand level compass
  • navtex
  • anemometer
  • VHF / DSC – GPS
  • chartplotter inside + outside
  • inert
  • depth sounder
  • radar
  • AIS
  • navigation maps
  • sailor’s guide
  • passer + plotter
  • binoculars


  • electric and manual
  • bilge pump
  • life raft
  • life jackets (10 inflatable + 2 fixed)
  • Lifelines
  • life preserver
  • MOB light
  • Epirb
  • Fire extinguishers
  • fog horn
  • boatman’s chair
  • emergency tiller
  • pyrotechnic signals
  • First aid kit
  • signal lamp
  • 10 fenders
  • toolbox
  • spare impellor
  • spare engine oil
  • bilges pump handle
  • boot hook
Five O1
Five O5
Five O zeilboot huren Nieuwpoort België

Koen Simkens

Your skipper

“As a child, I inherited the sailing bug from my grandfather and as a little guy I could not stay away from the water.”

“In 2008 I finally bought my first sailboat. A Tequila Sport 24 that we sailed on the North Sea and in the Dutch province of Zeeland. 

But pretty soon it became too small. I traded her for High Five, our Beneteau Oceanis 43, with which I have been commercially sailing ever since.”

Five O zeilboot huren Nieuwpoort België
Zeilboot charteren Nieuwpoort met schipper Koen Simkens
Koen Simkens kapitein bakken
Koen Simkens vissen overtocht

“In 2016, my family left Belgium for a two-year half-world trip to the Caribbean.

The highlight of my sailing career is sailing on my on boat across the Atlantic ocean, from Gran Canaria to Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. We sailed there in 22 days and 5 hours, for a total of 3049NM.

Together I have more than 30,000 miles of ocean and sea sailing experience on both tidal and non-tidal waters.”

Zeilboot huren groep Nieuwpoort
Zeilen bedrijfsuitje teambuilding Nieuwpoort

“I hold a general pilot’s license, Yachtman license, GOC (General Operator’s Certificate) I have also been RYA Yachtmaster Offshore commercial endorsed since 2016 and as icing on the cake I obtained Master STCW 200GT in 2024

Through these experiences I know that you’ve come to the right place to have an unforgettable time at sea, and to learn a lot about what sailing has to offer.”

Want to make sure you've claimed your date?

Request a quote today, and reserve your departure date.
Decide later if you want to accept our offer.

Vraag vrijblijvend een offerte aan

We nemen snel contact op om uw wensen te bespreken.

Aan het invullen van dit formulier zijn geen verplichtingen verbonden.

De 5 garanties van High Five

  • Gegarandeerd de laagste prijs

    Als u aan de Belgische kust een vergelijkbaar zeilschip vindt dat goedkoper wordt aangeboden dan matchen wij de prijs.

  • Gegarandeerd beschikbaar

    Als u nu een offerte aanvraagt, en uw datum is nog beschikbaar, dan garanderen we dat deze beschikbaar blijft.

  • Gratis stormgarantie

    Bij storm (meer dan windkracht 6) op de vertrekdatum krijgt u gegarandeerd een alternatieve datum aangeboden.

  • Een schoon en veilig schip

    Als u High Five boekt dan mag u verwachten dat het schip blinkend schoon en zonder gebreken voor u klaarligt.

  • Persoonlijk contact

    Bij ons geen callcenters of ongeïntereseerde medewerkers. U hebt altijd persoonlijk en direct contact met eigenaar Koen.

Request a quote without any obligations

We’ll get in touch quickly to discuss your wishes.

There are no obligations to fill out this form.

High Five's 5 guarantees

  • Guaranteed the lowest price in Belgium

    If you find a similar sailboat on the Belgian coast that is offered cheaper than us, we match the price.

  • Guaranteed availability

    If you request a quote now, and your date is still available, we guarantee that it will remain available.

  • Free bad weather guarantee

    In case of a storm (more than 6 Bft) on the departure date, you are guaranteed to be offered an alternative departure date.

  • A clean and safe ship

    If you book High Five, you can expect the ship to be clean and without any malfunctions waiting for you.

  • Personal contact

    No call centres or uninterested employees with us. You are always in personal and direct contact with the owner, Koen.