Team building at sea

An experience your team will talk about for a long time to come

Team building at sea

An experience your team will talk about for a long time to come

Teambuildiing op een zeilboot

"Out at sea you can see the impact of teamwork right away. If you sail as one unit, the boat goes a lot faster."

Why team building on a sailboat?

Companies depend on a strong teams that can improve themselves and communicate clearly. The successful team makes a successful company. You can also see the impact of teamwork at sea. Out at sea you can see the impact of teamwork right away. If you sail as one unit, the boat goes a lot faster.

On deck, your team will break down barriers. They find that they can achieve much more than they thought, together . After a day out at sea, your team will be more in tune, communicate better and feel more as one.

teambuilding nieuwpoort zeilen

How does team building work on a sailboat?

What's included?

We take care of all equipment and safety equipment for a safe sailing trip. There is an approved life jacket and a lifeline for everyone.

The ship is approved for commercial use and meets the SOLAS requirements for charter rental. So you can rest assured that the sailing trip will be safe. And of course we make sure that drinks and snacks are present for everyone.

We end this wonderful experience with a glass of champagne for everyone.

What should my team members bring?

At sea you can experience four seasons in one day. It is therefore important that everyone bring warm clothing. An extra pair of socks, a warm sweater and windproof jacket are important not to get cold. 

If rain is expected, it is also smart to bring extra  pair of pants, shirt/shirt and sweater.    One can wear regular shoes, preferably with light colored soles, or boots if it rains.

What about sea sickness?

We often sail with people who have never been on a sailboat. The most frequently asked question is, “what if I get seasick?” Although we can never rule out sea sickness, we do everything we can to prevent this.

High Five is a large and heavy ship, which makes for a stable sailing experience. This is an important factor in combating seasickness. And if someone doesn’t feel well, we let them take the helm for a while as this helps combat seasickness as well. Or, we let them perform a few task that require concentration. This is the best way to get rid of the nauseous feeling quickly.

It is, however, very rare for people to get seasick during a team building event. Active sailing and performing tasks ensure that your team members don’t have time to feel sick.

Team building on a sailboat zeilboot huren Nieuwpoort België

Our network of sailboats is waiting for you

We have a network of sailboats, all stationed in Nieuwpoort, which allows us to facilitate groups of up to 100 people. 

Our network consists entirely of experienced sailors who love to share their knowledge with new crew. 

Large groups will have the chance to experience a real regatta, with several sailboats racing against each other. Your team will talk about this unforgettable day for a long time to come.

Want to make sure you've claimed your date?

Request a quote today, and reserve your departure date.
Decide later if you want to accept our offer.


Event organizers give us 5 stars!


“The salt the wind and the sea… An unforgettable experience! “High five ” Will deliver a true vision of what freedom can be!”


Fantastic sailing across the canal, the River Orwell and in the picturesque neighbourhood of Ipswich. Admirable with what ease ‘skipper’ Koen leads his High Five past megatankers or wriggles into the most difficult bends and bays. The unique and magical night trip back was the icing on the cake. Pure adventure and fun combined with lived craftsmanship of this skipper… an absolute privilege to be able to experience sailing in this authentic way! Thank you again Koen!

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De 5 garanties van High Five

  • Gegarandeerd de laagste prijs

    Als u aan de Belgische kust een vergelijkbaar zeilschip vindt dat goedkoper wordt aangeboden dan matchen wij de prijs.

  • Gegarandeerd beschikbaar

    Als u nu een offerte aanvraagt, en uw datum is nog beschikbaar, dan garanderen we dat deze beschikbaar blijft.

  • Gratis stormgarantie

    Bij storm (meer dan windkracht 6) op de vertrekdatum krijgt u gegarandeerd een alternatieve datum aangeboden.

  • Een schoon en veilig schip

    Als u High Five boekt dan mag u verwachten dat het schip blinkend schoon en zonder gebreken voor u klaarligt.

  • Persoonlijk contact

    Bij ons geen callcenters of ongeïntereseerde medewerkers. U hebt altijd persoonlijk en direct contact met eigenaar Koen.

Request a quote without any obligations

We’ll get in touch quickly to discuss your wishes.

There are no obligations to fill out this form.

High Five's 5 guarantees

  • Guaranteed the lowest price in Belgium

    If you find a similar sailboat on the Belgian coast that is offered cheaper than us, we match the price.

  • Guaranteed availability

    If you request a quote now, and your date is still available, we guarantee that it will remain available.

  • Free bad weather guarantee

    In case of a storm (more than 6 Bft) on the departure date, you are guaranteed to be offered an alternative departure date.

  • A clean and safe ship

    If you book High Five, you can expect the ship to be clean and without any malfunctions waiting for you.

  • Personal contact

    No call centres or uninterested employees with us. You are always in personal and direct contact with the owner, Koen.